What you say about Action Learning – Reflection as a way forward
SB Lecturer/practitioner
‘I have valued the chance to reflect on my leadership practice with colleagues in a neutral setting. It has been essential to have protected time, since this has enabled me to focus on the issues, rather than the issues having to compete with a host of other pressures.
ALS has given me a variety of insights, both through exploring the issues I brought, and through exploring the issues brought by others. I have been impressed by the power of open questioning in the group, as a means to explore things that challenge us in our work and I was particularly enlightened exploring the assumed motives for the actions we take, which when unpacked are not what they seem.
It has been valuable working in a group that is both homogeneous in the sense that our work, its pressures and its culture, are similar and yet heterogeneous in that we are naturally different personalities, with different experience and approaches to challenges. I think I had few preconceptions about the ALS work before I started the programme. I did think however that I would have preferred to work with colleagues with whom I don’t come into contact frequently in my work. In the event this has been one of its strengths for me and I would like to think that we can set up something similar in the future’.
What you say about Action Learning – Beneficial in times of Change
BM, Service Manager
‘Action Learning Sets (ALS) occurred during times of great change and upheaval within the service. I would arrive often feeling overwhelmed by the issues connected with trying to effect change. ALS offered the opportunity to ‘empty the bucket’, but also to be challenged on my thinking and approaches. As a result I have been able to keep issues in perspective and to deal more effectively with the conflict that can accompany managing change.’
What you say about Action Learning – Problem Solving
‘Action learning has given me the tools and skills to challenge and resolve historical, entrenched issues within my role and workplace. I am able to better consider and implement means of resolution and remain focused on an issue, whilst being more open to exploring routes and ideas for resolution.’